UmQusai's Thoughts ..
Sunday, July 31, 2005
بين الهواجس ..
جلست على كرسيها الهزاز ، تخيط كمة مضى زمن على أخر مرة أدخلت الخيط فيها .. و تنظر من خلال نافذة غرفة معيشتها إلى الحديقة التي تكاد تموت من العطش .. فمنذ أن توفي زوجها رحمة الله عليه حتى أهملت هذه الحديقة التي كانت إحدى أهم اهتماماته ..
أخذت تفكر في حياتها .. وكيف سرق الدهر الكثير و الكثير من عمرها .. ها هي تعيش الآن وحيدة- إلا من عاملة أسيوية أصبحت أكثر من صديقة بالنسبة لها- في هذا المنزل الكبير الموحش .. فكرت في تركه والإنتقال إلى شقة صغيرة .. ولكن لم يهن عليها ترك بيت الغالي .. الذي عاشت فيه أسعد أيام حياتها .. قبل أن يخطف الموت جسد حبيبها ولكنه ما زال هنا معها ..
أخذت تفكر .. ماذا لو كان يملأ عليها حياتها الأن ولد أو بنت .. أو الإثنان معاً .. ما كانت لتعيش وحيدة ترجو الله بحسن الخاتمة .. لا يوجد ما تعيش لأجله .. لا يوجد أحد تترك له هذه الثروة التي ورثتها عن زوجها .. لا يوجد غير سوزيواتي التي تخدمها وكأنها أمها لا سيدتها .. هل أقدم لها نصف ثروتي؟ قد يعني هذا الكثير بالنسبة لها .. سيغنيها لبقية حياتها .. لا لن أعطيها شيئاً الان .. فإن أعطيتها ستتركني وتعود لبلدها .. فلم تعد محتاجة .. هكذا أخذت تفكر .. وإستعاذت الله من الغيرة التي حلت عليها ..
لم تكن كذلك عندما كان زوجها حولها .. كان يعني الحياة بالنسبة لها .. أبوها، أخوها ، صديقها وقبل كل هذا زوجها الحنون .. الذي كان يمسح دمعي عينها قبل أن تسقط .. يحس بألامها قبل أن تفصح له بشيء .. زوجها الذي رفض الزواج والعروض التي كانت تقدمها له أمه لتهنأ هي بأحفاد يملأوا البيت عليها .. وكأنها لم ترزق بأحفاد من أخيه وأخته .. كم كرهتها عندما عرضت عليه الزواج وهي تعلم أنه الحل الأمثل لمشكلتهم .. مع أن الطبيب لم يجد أي مشكلة تذكر في أي منهما ولكنها طالما شعرت بأن الذنب ذنبها .. وانها هي من تحرم زوجها من أعز نعمة في هذه الدنيا .. فلله سبحانه ذكر المال والبنون من فتن الدنيا .. .. قد يكون المجتمع الشرقي الذي تعيش فيه يفرض أن تكون المرأة خصبة .. ويرفض أي عيب قد يحمله الذكر .. قد يكون هذا ما يجهلها تؤمن في قرارة نفسها أنه مهما كان يظل الذنب هو ذنبها
أستعاذت الله من هذه الهواجس التي هاجمتها فجأة .. والتي أجبرتها على تجاهل أو تناسي سوزواتي التي ظلت واقفة لدقائق تنظر إليها بنظرة شفقة .. وكأنها تقول: أشعر ما تمرين به وأنا هنا لأساعدك ..
Labels: خواطر فتاة تعشق الحزن
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
9:31 PM ::
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Friday, July 29, 2005
I am an Aunti !!!
My sister gave birth to her first baby boy .. it was such an exciting experience to be there in the hospital when she gave birth .. it seems that the baby likes me because he waited for me to finish work, and came only at night 27/7 at 10:20 pm and the next day was weekend so I managed to be there and see the little cute Mohammed :)
He was named mohammed after his two grandfathers who are called mohammed, hope he turns out as great as they are!
His father was so excited at the time of birth, he was with her in the deleivery room but he used to come out every now and then to give us updates .. he was so excited mashallah ..
He is such a cute baby .. when I leave the hospital all I think about is him .. and cant wait till the next day :) .. the best part is that few people said he looks like me :D
I changed his dipers for the first time (well with lots of expermeinting with my sister) and it was such an intresting thing to do contrary to what I expected .. he was so cute and didnt cry even when we didnt know how to handel him .. and I felt sooo happy inside ..
Note: the first pic here is after 1 or 2 hours after his birth .. I think he grow cuter by the day :p
and the next pic is on the next day :)
Inshallah he will be a very good son to my sister and wouldnt make it hard on her to raise him.Labels: متفرقات
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
12:25 AM ::
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Ok, I am tagged, and I enjoy being tagged :p
1- What does Love mean to you?
Everything!! If you want me to start an essay about this I am ready :) but you guys will get bored of reading :p
2- What does Marriage mean to you?
I think since I started teenage years I wanted to get married :) .. it means stability, sharing and freedom ..
3- Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, its just one of the misconceptions people have about love ..
4- How many children would you like?
as much as Allah wants .. I like to have a big family!!
5-If given the opportunity, what song would you sing for me on my wedding day?
hmm .. what about Wa6any il3arabi .. wa6any ilakbar looool :p .. naah .. well if you are going to bear my voice I might sing you one of the traditional Omani wedding songs (which I will have to memorise before hand ) :D
6- What is your favorite holiday destination?
could be Italy, greece or cyprus
7-What are three qualities you would look for in a man?
I looked you mean :p .. well before getting married I wanted him to be a god fearing guy, a gentelman and crazy about me :p .. I am sure about first two .. dont know about the third :p
8- What are the three qualities and three bad habits that you have?
hot temper
couldnt find others
9-Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
do you want me to talk about me in a good mood or a bad mood? coz the answer differs .. right now I am in a good mood .. so I would say inshallah happy with my husband with 4 kids and living in an independant house instead of a rented appartment :)Labels: متفرقات
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
6:22 PM ::
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Friday, July 22, 2005
My Trip to the Kingdom of unexpected treasures !
I was in a 2 weeks visit to Saudi Arabia, a country next door for my bro's treatment ... It wasn't my first visit as I have been to Riyadh, Mecca & Madina before .. But it has been really long (almost 7 years) since I last visited Saudi, so I was so excited about the trip (esp. That I was expecting to meet lovely Farooha there)
our trip started on wenesday 29th of June, around 6 o'clock when we (my Husband, me and my brother Nasser) rode the GMC heading to Abudhabi to spend the night there and head to Saudi next morning. On my way, I stopped by Catchy's city and met her, and she brought us a delicious dinner basket .. God bless her :)
We reached my grandma's house in AD at around 11 and everyone was sleeping .. So, we also found our place to sleep straight away so we can get ready to leave next morning after fajer prayer. Woke up at around 4 to pray fajer and we were supposed to leave, but my mom's uncle didn't allow us .. He insisted that we stay for breakfast, we did and had a good one ..
Then we started heading to Riyadh .. Everything went smoothly alhamdulilah .. I didn't really feel the 10 hours that passed through .. Here is a pic of my bro Nasser (13) during the roadtrip :)
we arrived Riyadh at around 4 and found my mom, my bro Saif & Malik are waiting for us inpatient .. And mom arranged a great lunch :)
now, the first week was cool, met farooha in mamlakat al mar2a (I must admit I really loved the place, a whole floor in the biggest shopping mall for women only!!! We need one in Oman) and I really really enjoyed meeting her .. she was a pretty girl .. And felt really myself with her .. allah yiwafqish inshallah :)
on Monday, we head to Mecca to perform umra and then to Madina as my mom insisted nasser should see the prophet's grave & 7aram.
The place is just amazing .. Something about it makes you feel very peaceful .. I wished we could stay longer ..
Then my mom left to Oman, and Me, my husband and saif were to stay with malik for the coming week during the treatment.
the rest of our time there was so relaxing .. I got to sleep, read, and go around Riyadh (mostly malls though).
Then my Huband and I left to Bahrain by plane for 3 days and then to Muscat. My bro Salim and my Aunt came to take the shift from us to stay with Malik.
Bahrain was nice, it was such a nice holiday for me and my hubby .. we rented a car and went around all Bahrain .. My hubby enjoyed roaming around the roads and finding his way back :)
here is a pic of King Fahad's bridge
Now, I am back to Oman .. Relaxed, and ready to start work on Saturday (not really I wished if I could get one more week holiday). I truly missed Oman, but I never felt a stranger in the hospitality of SA & Bahrain :)Labels: متفرقات
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
11:58 AM ::
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
I am back .. at last!!!
I think this has been the longest time away from the internet ..though I used this time relaxing and trying to free my mind .. but I missed being online very much ..
I will be posting all ab0ut my trip soon inshallah .. just wanted to tell my vistors that I am finally home :D
and thank you, people from around the world .. I was so thrilled to come and see people from all around the world reading this blog .. I started bragging all about it to my husband :D
Ma3 al salama for now .. will be back soon ..Labels: متفرقات
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
11:55 PM ::
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