UmQusai's Thoughts ..

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"Thursday, October 28, 2004

First Timer..
Alright .. at last I managed to have my own blog!!I dont know how often I am going to update this .. but would try to use it much.Alright then, would leave as it is for now .. and would think about how to use it .. maybe as a collection of my thoughts and stories ;) "
Awwwwwwww tommorow is my Blogs Bithdate!!! I survived 1 year of blogging .. now thats cool :)


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 3:26 PM :: 10 comments

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If this is his ideology, I am not reading his books!!

Few months back, I gave my cousin a book to read .. I like to see what he thinks on books because we have two different ways of thinking .. Any way, the book I gave him was"ree7 ilJana" - you can go back to read my review on it-.

After reading it, he didn't like the book as much as I did. He thought the writer made fun of Islam or tried to give it a bad image. While, I saw the exact opposite, I loved the book for it explaining how can a person misuse Islam.

While discussing the book, he told me that Turki Al-Hamed is 3almani (secular). It was like I was stabbed (and this happens for anything I love), and started being defensive and telling him that cannot be true because he has books talking about religion and politics. I couldn't believe it, and had to check it myself .. anyway I tried gooling him and I found this
Turki, being a liberal. I still don't believe it, being a liberal doesn't mean he is 3almani!!

Anyway, khaleekum min almuqadima, what I am trying to question here .. Does a writer's ideology or beliefs affect your decision whether to read it or not?
personally, the more I think about it .. I think it shouldn't .. Ok, I agree that you have to put in mind to which stream this person belongs to in order to question the authnacity of the book and how accurate the information presented .. But it shouldn't affect whether you should read the book or not.

What do you guys say?


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 12:56 PM :: 5 comments

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

7kayat Laith, Huda channel and Ramdhan TV

Ramdhan is the time when I watch more tv. I admit its a bad habit and not something I should be barging about .. But unfortunately I fall a victim of the interesting programs that are advertised in each and every channel in ramdhan.

Anyway, I thought of highlighting few interesting programs that I was really impressed with this Ramdhan.

I will start with "7ikayat Laith" which is aired in Oman channel (around 4:25 pm and repeated around 7:30:pm Oman time). What's special about Laith, is that he is an 8 year old blind kid who "mashallah" has a great talent. In each day, he talks about a good trait and gives examples of it. The sweet part is that he speaks in Omani dialect and it makes the story and the way he is telling it interesting .. I really admire how a blind kid is able to do this and really applaud Oman TV and the committee of culture & science which is sponsoring this. Its really a step forward into introducing the special needs kids into the society. When a young kid follows up Laith and his stories, he would grow up to realize that Laith is not different than any other kid in his age!!

Another impressive new channel is Huda Channel. Its a channel dedicated to Islam in English. I know we already have Iqra2 & Al-Majd, but having a channel in English is really a step forward and from the programs ads I can see that its a really interesting channel.


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 11:39 PM :: 14 comments

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Friday, October 07, 2005

Magic in Oman!

Two days back I was with two work colleuges .. both of them used to work in Bahrain. While talking, both of them were "warned" before coming to Oman about MAGIC!

This is not the first time I hear that fellow Gulfians think of Oman as the land of Magic!
Some of them wouldnt get close to Oman because of that! Just mention Nizwa or Bahla and boom they start getting all frigtened.

I find it funny at times, and at others it really get into my nerves .. I mean I lived in Oman all my life, and not only in the capital yet I never saw magic tricks. I heared many stories of jinns and so but those are just normal stories that people tell each other (and its everywhere not only in Oman), its the floklore of horrer movies made at home :)

Sometimes I blame the omanis themselves for this .. they ENJOY spreading those kind of stories in order to see how frightened a forigen vistor would be. I saw it happening with many of my friends.

Anyways, I just felt like asking why do gulfians things this way, anyone knows the answer?


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 2:03 PM :: 12 comments

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Monday, October 03, 2005

إنما الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين

ها هو رمضان يطل علينا بنفحاته العطرة .. يسقينا من حوض بركاته ومغفرته .. وعلينا أن نسرع إلى التزود من خيراته ..لذا أحببت أن أخص أخواتي وإخواني ببعض النصائح علني أساهم في هداية أحدهم لطريق الخير والصواب ..
وأود أن أؤكد .. لست كاملة و الكمال لله ولا أقصد هنا بإهانة أي أحد .. هي مجرد نصائح قد تكونين / تكون أعلم بها مني .. ولكنها مساهمة أشجعكم فيها على اتخاذ قرارات تفيدكم في دينكم ودنياكم:ـ
ـ أختي .. إن كنت من غير المحجبات فأحرصي أن تتحجبي وأنت صائمة .. فمن يدري .. قد يكون تعودك على لبس الحجاب في رمضان تسهيلاً لك على لبسه بعد رمضان .. ومن الأسى أن لا تحصلي على أجرك كاملاً لسبب (ما يسوى) مثل ترك الرأس حاسراً ..ـ
ـ أخي المدخن .. بما أنك تصبر على الصيام عن السيجارة ليوم كامل .. فلما لا تتخذ رمضان فرصة للإقلاع عن التدخين .. أنت أعلم من غيرك الأثار السيئة للتدخين ..ـ
ـ فلنستغل رمضان بصلة الرحم .. فثواب صلة الرحم عظيم
وأخيرا .. أود أن أحرر نفسي من جميع الأحقاد والضغائن قبل دخول شهر الرحمة والمغفرة .. لذا أستسمح أي شخص أخطأت في حقه أو ظلمته .. وأؤكد أن قلبي خالي من أي ضغينة ضد أي أن كان .. ولا تنسونا من دعواتكم


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 4:47 PM :: 6 comments

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ramdhan Reading!!

Some fellow bloggers (and friends) started this great idea to help each other read the whole Quran during the month.

If you are intrested to join the group, just e-mail the organizers there and you would be a member in the blog .. try it, lets all help each other do more deeds in Ramdhan :)


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 5:56 PM :: 3 comments

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