UmQusai's Thoughts ..

Sunday, October 16, 2005

7kayat Laith, Huda channel and Ramdhan TV

Ramdhan is the time when I watch more tv. I admit its a bad habit and not something I should be barging about .. But unfortunately I fall a victim of the interesting programs that are advertised in each and every channel in ramdhan.

Anyway, I thought of highlighting few interesting programs that I was really impressed with this Ramdhan.

I will start with "7ikayat Laith" which is aired in Oman channel (around 4:25 pm and repeated around 7:30:pm Oman time). What's special about Laith, is that he is an 8 year old blind kid who "mashallah" has a great talent. In each day, he talks about a good trait and gives examples of it. The sweet part is that he speaks in Omani dialect and it makes the story and the way he is telling it interesting .. I really admire how a blind kid is able to do this and really applaud Oman TV and the committee of culture & science which is sponsoring this. Its really a step forward into introducing the special needs kids into the society. When a young kid follows up Laith and his stories, he would grow up to realize that Laith is not different than any other kid in his age!!

Another impressive new channel is Huda Channel. Its a channel dedicated to Islam in English. I know we already have Iqra2 & Al-Majd, but having a channel in English is really a step forward and from the programs ads I can see that its a really interesting channel.


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 11:39 PM :: 14 comments

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