UmQusai's Thoughts ..

Friday, February 24, 2006

Johari's Window test

Ok I found this test in Qatar Cat's blog .. and I thought its intresting .. so whoever know me, wether personaly or through this blog, take few seconds and fill up adjectives about me (dont be too nice, I want you to be truthful :p )
Johar's Window test
Let me know how much I know myself :)

Please do the negative one too:
Nohari's Window test
Let me know my negatives (please dont ever hesitate to say whatever you think, I promise I wouldnt come after you with a broom :D )


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 12:53 AM :: 11 comments

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Rainy Day

Today Oman was blessed with heavy rains. The day was sunny and hot and all of a sudden a dark cloud came and started showring the area with rain.

Although the rain causes many roads to be flooded, and it really makes the traffic slow (it took me half an hour to go from MQ to Ghubra when it usually takes 10 min) but I still think it puts me in a magical mood.

I simply Love the rain!!


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 12:18 AM :: 6 comments

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Friday, February 17, 2006

أنا والقمر

في ليلة مدلجة بالسواد .. وصخب السكون هو ما يمكن سماعه، جلست في علية المنزل ... وحيدة خائفة، وجدتها فرصة لأحدث صديقي القديم .. مؤنسي أيام وحدتي وغربتي .. ، إبتعدت عنه عندما إنفرجت أسارير الدنيا لي ، لم أعرف بأي وجه أقابله وأنا في أمس الحاجه إليه اليوم.ـ
بصوت يملأه الخجل والوجل ، هتفت بإسمه، ردد الصدى صوتي كإعلان منه أنه رافضاً فكرة الإعتذار ، كررت النداء بصوت يتخلله أنيني وبكائي، كأني عرفت نقطة ضعفه فما أن إنتهيت إلا وسمعت صوته يناديني، صوته كان مليئاً بالإنكسار ، وكأنه يلومني على الفترة التي مضت ، ولكن السعادة سرت في دمائي وأنا أسمع صوته الرخيم، وصرخت دون أن أشعر:ـ آآآه يا قمر كم أنا بحاجة إليك ، رأيت نوره يوبص وكأنها إحدى إبتساماته المعهودة يقول فيها: ها أنا ذا لأبعد عنك الآهات!ـ
أسترسلت في الشكوى والنجوى، تخلل حديثب الدموع التي أصبحت تنسكب كالمطر .. وفعلاً غسلت دموعي الآهات .. وسمعت القمر يقول بصوت يملأه الرجاء: علني أراك قريباً تبشريني؟
إعذرني أيها القمر، فقد كنت الرفيق أيام الوجد والشوق ، وكنت الصديق الذي أبثه حزني، تركتك بلا رحمة مني ، وها أنا ذا أتي إليك نادمة وأعدك أني سأزورك بإستمرار.ـ
The moon & I
In a dark night and when the noise of silence can be heared, I sat in the house's attic alone .. scared .. I took the chance to look for my old friend, the one who was my companian when I was alone & away. I left him alone when the world started smiling to me, I didnt know what face should I put on after all what I've done.
With a voice villed with shame, I called his name .. echo replied, as if its a way to tell me that he doesnt accept my apology. I called again, with a voice is combined by cries and tears. I knew his weakness, and he replied with a sad voice as if he complaining about the past when I left him alone. Happiness started flowing in my blood again, and I screamed without noticing: Oh my Moon, you should know how much I need you!! I saw its glow coming, like his old smiles telling me: I am here to take your sorrow away.
I continued complaining, with tears falling like rain. The tears washed away my pain, and I heared the moon saying: Maybe I would hear from you soon, giving me good news?
Forgive me Oh moon, You were the friend on the days of love & longiness, you were the friend I complain to. I left you without mercy, but I am here and promising you I will keep visiting you!!
"Note: Long back, when I was in collage .. I used to write to the moon when I had any problems .. I used to sit in the fire escape stairs watching the moon and complaining. I am trying to do this again with this piece of writing"


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 10:19 PM :: 9 comments

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رسالة إلى من يهمه الأمر

عندما تنهمر دموعهم هماً وشوقاُ وحباً ، أتمنى حينها أن أملك عصاً سحرية تغير الأقدار وتكشف الغيب حتى أزيح عنهم همومهم وأبدل أحزانهم إبتسامات يشيع سناها في الدنا .. ولكني لا أملك هذه العصا ولا أملك تغيير الأقدار والموازين.ـ
لذا لم يبقى لي إلا أن أكون اليد التي يستندون عليها عندما تثقل همومهم ، ولم يبقى لي إلا أن أذكرهم أن الله رحيم ولا ينسى عباده
أنتم (تعرفون من تكونون)ـ ، أصبروا ، وأدركوا أن الخير آت مهما طال غيابه
ضاقت فلما أستحكمت حلقاتها ..فرجت وكنت أظنها لا تفرج ..
Letter to who it may concern
When they drop thier tears from pain, longliness & love, I wish if I had a magic stick where I can change fate, and take away thier sorrow and transfer it to smiles that glows the whole world. But I dont have this stick, and I cant change fate. I cant do anything but be the hand that would support them when thier pain is heavy on thier chests and remind them that God is here and never forget his servants.
You (you know who you are), be patient and know the a brighter day would come even if it took long.


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 12:49 AM :: 3 comments

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

وأنا مستلقية على سريري والنوم أبى أن يدغدغ عيناي التي أطبق عليها السهاد، وبدأت أسبح في بحر من الخواطر ، علني أمل وأفضل النوم، ولكن هيهات، فخيالي يؤثر الانتقال من فكرة إلى أخرى على النوم، هذه بعض ما أتذكره من تلك الخواطر : ـ

ـ عجبي .. كيف يسهل علي كتابة مشاعري في صفحات وصفحات ولكن يعجز اللسان نطق حرف من تلك المشاعر، هل هو خوف من المواجهة أم أنه الخجل؟ !! ـ
ـ- أيمكن للإنسان أن يعيش عالمان مختلفان؟؟ عالم بين من يعرفهم وعالم بين الأسماء المستعارة! ويكون تأثير العالم الأخير مثل تأثير الأول ؟
ـ أيمكن أن يجتمع الصبر مع اليأس؟و أن يكون اليأس هو أحد الأسلحة التي تعين على الصبر؟


While laying down in my bed and sleep refused to tickel my eyes, I started swimming in an ocean of thoughts. Hoping that I would get bored and sleep, bur NO!, my imaginations prefers to go from a thought to another. These are some of the thoughts that I still remmber:

- I wounder how can I easily write few pages about my feeling, but my tounge is not able to say a word! Is it fear of confrontation or shyness?

- Can a person live two worlds? a world between people they know and another between nicknames? and the effect of the latter is as strong as the effect of the first world?!

- Can patience and giving up be togther? you use giving up as an excuse to be patient?!


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 6:29 PM :: 8 comments

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tagged by Qatar Cat

7 things to do before I die:

1- Go to Hajj
2- Write a book
3- meet HM Sultan Qaboos
4- Do something that would make people remmber me, and pray for me ..
5- Do Sadaqa Jariya (its a donation that would last a live time and you get the reward for it as long as people are benefiting from it)
6- Have kids
7- Travel the world.

7 things I can't do:

1- Break rules (I feel guilty so easily)
2- Criticise (I am bad at it, and I hate that!)
3- Loose weight
4- Stop thinking
5- be away from the net.
6- eat everything, I am very picky
7- finish this list :)

7 things I always say:
1- Inshallah (by gods will, I say it continiously)
2- Alsalam Alykom ( peace be one you)
3- MashaAlla (Glory be to Allah)
4- Ya3ni (it means, I say it even when I speak english)
6- Well

7 books I have loved:
1- Dairies of an Arabian Princess (Omani Princess Salma bint Said who was in Zanzibar and ran away with a German Soldier. Lovely book describes the life in Zanzibar on those days)

2- Tell me why (and the series, it was very informative)

3- Shubuhat 7awl Al-Islam, Misconceptions about Islam

4- Shaqat Al-Huriya ( Freedom Apartment, Novel by Ghazi Al-Qusaibi)

5- Recently, Banat Al-Riyadh

6- Juro7 Al-Thakira (Memories wound, novel by Turky Al-Hamed)

7- Ree7 Iljana (Heaven's wind, novel by Turky Al-Hamed)

7 movies I love to watch over and over:
1- Ever After
2- Sound of Music
Cant think of other's sorry :(

7 things I get attracted to:
1- New Phones
2- Abbayas (Black Robe women wear, I love to see the new styles)
3- Choclates
4- Oman!
5- The song playing in the background of this blog!
6- Laban (Youghurt Drink)
7- Arabic Poems

7 people I want to tag:
1- Namika
2- Jeff (you can answer it in a comment here :) )
3- Raed
4- Farah (if she read this)
5- Noor
6- Amo
7 - who reads my blog :)


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 5:29 PM :: 17 comments

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

هذيان فتاة تعشق الحزن

مجرد خزعبلات أروض فيها نفسي على الكتابة .. حتى لا تصدأ الروح ولا يجف القلم
تتراءى أحلام الطفولة أمامي ، وأقف حيرى إن كنت قد حققت ما صبوت إليه يوماً أو أني تخاذلت عن تلك الأماني التي
كانت تقلق نومي الهادي، أظل أسأل هل أنا حيث أردت أم هي الدنيا قادتني وسرت معها دون أن انتبه لطريقي
كيف لي أن أعرف وأحلام الطفولة بدأت بالتلاشي ، ما بقت منها تبدأ بالإنحسار تدريجياً لأبقى بلا أحلام وبلا غد أترقب طلوعه
هل هذه سنة الحياة؟ أم هو خنوع وخضوع مني وإنجذاب نحو الطريق السهل؟
رنوت إلى الأفق البعيد في محاولة مني لأعرف ما يخبأ القدر ، وكأن الأفق يطل على ضفة أخرى من الغد ..ـ
سأمت من الإنتظار ومن التمني .. أريد أن أرسى على بر .. هل يتحقق ما أتمنى أم أن علي أن أيأس وأنسى؟
عندما أغمض عيني أراك ، وعندما أحاول الخلود إلى النوم يصر طيفك أن يحارب أي لحظة وسن تحاول التسلل إلى عيني
أحبك، بدقات قلبي المتسارعة وبخلايا الدم التي تتسابق في أوردتي. أحبك بذرات الهواء التي تدخل إلى رئتي ، أحبك بعدد المرات التي أرمش فيها !ـ


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 10:48 PM :: 13 comments

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Banat Al-Riyadh (Riyadh girls)

I read this novel during the weekend, and it was one of those novels that you couldnt wait to finish it. I stayed up till 2 pm at night to finish almost half of it that night.
Finished the rest next morning. I really enjoyed it. To read my review please visit: (Arabic).

Anyway, because I loved it, I like to read what others thought of it. So went to this Arabic Omani forum where I heared from cousin that they discussed the story and to my horror the reviews were shocking.

All or lets say most of the reviews were aginst what the girls did in the story and accusing the writer of many things. This one thing that I hate about our readers!! if they dont like what you write, they would start accusing you of things you didnt even imagine.
Other things, why do we always like to link the story to the writer!! I mean why do people love to say, the writer must have been one of the girls!!
She is a writer, she saw things from a view and wanted to present it. Wether she lived the story or not is non of our business. Its our business to comment on the novel, if we loved it and what we think she should improve on!!

Its a story that might happen, might not. It has lots of sad parts and happy parts. The ending was good not closed and not open (I hate open endings).

I agree lots of publicity was done on the book because it talks about a conservative society. Maybe as much as publicty were a reason to make the book famous, it would also harm the writer and make her mor caution with her coming novels, I hope not!!

Way to go Rajaa Al Sanee. All the best.


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 2:15 PM :: 10 comments

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