UmQusai's Thoughts ..

Friday, September 29, 2006


PS. Sorry some of them are not clear, and the quality is not good, all of them were taken from my hotel room :)


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 12:54 PM :: 25 comments

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

حقاً إن الشوق لرؤياك بلغ أشده .. الشوق لأن أصلي هناك في روضة سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم .. لأشعر وأنا بين صحابته .. وأحبابه .. ففي طيبة .. قوبل بالترحيب ..آثر أنصاره على أنفسهم إخوانهم المهاجرين

ومشتاقة أيضاً إلى قبلتنا .. إلى بيت الله وكعبته ..إلى مقام إبراهيم .. إلى الصلاة جماعتة مع مليون مسلم .. من كل الأجناس والأصول .. إلى سماحة الإسلام وسكونه ..ما زلت أذكر أول مرة وقعت عيني على بيت الله الحرام .. شعرت حينها أنني أحلم .. وأن هناك سحراً يجذبني إليها .. قبلة الإسلام

سأتوجه إلى العمرة نهاية هذا الأسبوع .. وحيث أن الإستعداد لها وتوديع الأهل والأصحاب في ذروته .. لا أظنني سأحدث المدونة إلا عند عودتي ..
أستسمحكم زواري عذراً إن أخطأت في حق أي منكم .. وأطلب المعذرة والسموحة وتوصوني بشي؟


I missing the land of the prophet, where the people who welcomed him and took the people of Makka as brothers .. I also miss Makka, the land where we pray heading to ..I miss praying with more than a million muslim in the same place .. people of different races and origions ..
I still remmber the first time I layed eyes on Makkah, the feeling is really magical!!

I will leave to Omrah end of this week, and since I would be busy saying goodbyes to family I dont think I will be able to post until then .. I just want to ask my visitors to forgive me if I ever wronged them .. and do you want anything from there? :)

Posted by Arabian Princess :: 10:17 PM :: 20 comments

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

القمر الغائب؟

خطوت خطوات خجلة نحو القمر .. مترددة .. أعرف أن ما سألقاه هي نظرات عتاب منه .. نظرات تجعلني أشعر بالخجل أنني لم مر عليه منذ فترة .. تقدمت أبحث عنه .. رأيت السحب السوداء تحيط به .. ناديت ولم يجب .. شعرت بألم يعتصر أحشائي .. صديقي القمر .. أين أنت؟ .. لما كل هذا الفتور والبرود .. لماذا أشعر وكأنك تبعدني عنك؟؟ ما الذي حصل .. شعرت بضياع شديد .. شعرت بالوحدة .. تعاظمت الهموم التي جئت أبثها له .. بل أظنني نسيت همومي الأخرى .. واهتممت بابتعاد صديقي الوحيد .. بدأت دموعي بالانهمار .. بدأت تنساب بدفء على خدي البارد .. مع دموعي أدركت أن للقمر مكانة خاصة .. قد لا تكون الأولى في القلب ولكنها حتماً غالية .. وأن بإبتعاده عني أشعر بالضياع .. بالحيرة فيمن أكون وما ذا علي أن أقول .. صحت أنادي القمر .. عله يسمعني .. لا أظنه يسمعني .. فكأنني أراه ابتعد إلى بلاد بعيدة .. أتخالونه يعود؟

The Moon is away

I stepped slowly towards the moon, hesitant .. I know that I would have to face some blaming looks from him, looks that would make me feel ashamed that I did not visit him for a while .. I came forward looking for him .. but I saw black clouds around him.. I called .. he didn’t answer .. I felt pain in my stomach .. my friend .. the moon .. where are you?? Why are you cold?? Why am I feeling that you are pushing me away?? What happened?? .. I felt lost .. I felt lonely .. the worried and problems I came to tell the moon became bigger .. I think I forgot those worries and started worrying about him being away .. my only friend .. my tears started dropping .. I felt my hot teats dropping slowly in my cold cheek .. and with my tears I realized that the Moon has a special place in my heart .. it might not the primer place, but a special one nevertheless .. and when he goes away I feel lost .. I feel confused of who am I and what should I say… I shouted calling the moon again ..

Maybe he would hear me ? .. I don’t think so .. I feel he has left to a very far land .. do you think he will come back?


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 1:42 AM :: 13 comments

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

الأيام الحلوة

ما أشعره حالياً هو كما في الأغنية
الايام الحلوة

The song (above) is how I feel right now

Translation of the song:
The good days go in seconds, the good days never comes back ..
The taste of love has changed, the time of happiness is short
The longest moment of love & honesty is short
The sweet becomes bitter, and the wound gets repeated
We hurt, and become cruel and our mistake is justified
We say farewell to the one we love, and we lose what's in our hands
We remember who forgets us and we cheat who wants us.
We are not friends in hardship, and we are not close during tears.
Everyone is absent from your sadness, hurt and wounds
The love thread is loosened, the taste of injustice makes you old
Its shameful to be kind and honest in these days
we distort the meaning of love, and we shut the voice of right
the one who kill is in our heart, and we are just with the one who hurt us
The days go by, it has boats sailing. Some in lost boats and some in confused ones.
Some people's sorrows are strong, and some people's roads are far
Some whenever their tear dries, another tear comes ..
On the peak of our sadness and sorrows, we let each other down
and this is our story, and this our tale .. and this is our life
.. Me and you!!


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 10:11 PM :: 0 comments

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Well, I was asked by my friends to write a post about brunie (actually it was Malaysia, but well they are just their next door neighbors ;) ) .. I've been thinking since morning what should I write about Brunei?! How can I write a place where I ended my adolescent and entered my adulthood in one post? How can I explain why I love brunei .. When what I love is not the place, and the buildings, but mostly my memories that are lying there!

So what is Brunei? ofcourse you guys must know its the other Sultanate (Oman and Brunei are the only two). Its a small country in Borneo next to Malaysia and Philippines.

Why I went there? Well Luck .. or actually I did not study well to get a scholarship to UK ;)

How is Brunei? Well its a small country .. the time I was there it wasn't really busy and or full exciting things to do.. we were bored lots of the time (mostly because we didn't have a reliable means of transportation) but it lead us to spend most of our time together with our friends .. this lead me to miss and love brunei even more because its where I last saw my friends !

Brunians are quite and a bit reserved .. we had a bit of trouble at first getting close to them, but by time I managed to make good friends ! we are still in contact and last time I visited I met one

So what do you really want to know about brunei? like I said there are lots to talk about .. just ask and I'd answer ;)

and here is my faculty:

The whole University:

(don't be happy about those bushes around, the have snakes in them .. I've seen one!! )

Water Village from /


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 8:20 PM :: 13 comments

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

I hate Goodbyes!!!!

Yes I hate them very much! And it has been following me for a while now ..

First, it was goodbyes to my family and my life in Oman when I had to travel for studies .. It was very hard especially the first year .. I remmber clearly that after the end of first year's summer I was really dragging myself to leave .. I was very depressed then.. Especially at the year I had to say goodbye to my dear Singaporean friend .. She was our support then ..

Then when I started having fun, and enjoying my time there .. The four years passed quickly and I had to say goodbye again.. This time a bigger goodbye since I had to leave all my memories behind .. My friends who I would never forget, and every little memory that lies here and there .. From the road I take to uni .. To the small cafeteria that I have my afternoon tea in with all my friends .. and yah to the Malaysian bookshop owner who thought me and my husband were brothers and sisters :)

I hated good bye even more!!

Then I started working, and I thought .. Ok now the goodbyes would be less .. I would not be attached to people much and if they had to leave I will not feel it .. but its happened again ..Today, I had to say goodbye to a colleague who worked with us for around a year and half .. and I mean really worked with us .. we went through lots of discussions, stressful times and hard work. I really feel that he will be missed around ..

The problem with goodbyes is people always say they will keep contact ..but then they don't .. they would write every other while .. something I don't like .. I like to feel that I can count as my friend as a friend .. when I miss them, I don't feel awkward to call them up and say that I miss them .. but it doesn't always happen .. Oh well :(

so, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate goodbyes :(


Posted by Arabian Princess :: 5:49 PM :: 20 comments

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