UmQusai's Thoughts ..
Monday, December 25, 2006
كلما ذكرنا الموت .. سرت الهيبة في عروقنا .. وشعرنا بخوف يرعد فرائصنا .. ونستعيذ بالله .. ونطلب طولة العمر ... لكننا في الوقت نفسه نلعن الزمان .. ونذم ونتذمر من حياتنا كلما سنحت لنا الفرصة .. ما السبب الذي يجعلنا نخاف الموت؟ هل هو الإيمان بالحساب والعقاب؟ لا أظن .. فحتى من لا يؤمنون باليوم ىالأخر يخافونه ولا يريدون حدوثه .. هل هو الخوف من المجهول إذا؟ لأننا لا نعرف ماذا يحصل بعد الموت ولا أحد يستطيع إثبات أن ما نؤمن بحدوثه سوف يحصل .. يمر الموت في بالي كثيراً مؤخرأ خاصة عندما أستمع إلى نشيدة ليس الغريب
حفظكم الله جميعاً
Death, whenever we mention it and we get scared and start praying that it will not happen soon .. at the same time, we complain about how sad and boring our lives are .. whats the reason then that we fear death? is it because we beleive in afterlife and that we will get punished on what we do? but even those who dont beleive in afterlife are scared of death .. is it then because we dont know what will happen? we are scared of the unknown?
Death thought come alot in my mind when I listen to the link above.. its about a person who is dieing and what happen after death ..
May Allah Protect you all
Labels: خواطر فتاة تعشق الحزن
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
9:01 PM ::
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Ok, the past week or so was very tiring. First I had a friend visiting me from brunei, so we had to take her out and make her see beatiful Oman. I went to places I've never been before like Jabal Shams. It was very cold up there .. and scary high!! But it was really fun. We also went to Suq Nizwa, Nakhal Fort, Nakhal Spring (Al Thawara) and Rustaq's Ain Al Kasfa. It was fun.
But then after that I had a very bad flu. I practicly stayed laying on the coach all day long not wanting to move an inch .. and once I was done, my husband got it too !! and aparantly all of Oman has it!! so our house is filled with panadol and cough syrups.. but we are fine now alhamdululah :)
Yesterday, it rained heavly in Muscat .. and once it rains, all of oman's start flooding .. cars are pulled by the water and people get rescued by helicopters. And after the water goes, the roads are filled with Mud and dirt ... Muscat looks ugly .. it just makes you realise the massive work of the munciplity workers .. good bless them for keeping muscat clean at all time.
Alright, thats what was keeping me from updating .. I will come with a new "real" update soon inshallah.
(For pictures of my trip around and the mud in muscat, check my flickr account)
Labels: متفرقات
Posted by Arabian Princess ::
6:47 PM ::
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